Get in touch on 07970 934126 or email
Codes of Conduct by the Industry Standard for Approved Chimney Sweeps
All members of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps strictly adhere to this policy.
A chimney sweep is someone that has been professionally trained and certified through the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps in the profession of chimney sweeping.
Training elements must include the bullet points below for a period of no less than 80 supervised hours:
Health and safety appertaining to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, site safety, COSHH and risk assessments
The chemistry of combustion of hydrocarbon based fuels
Heat transfer methods
Chimney physics
Chimney testing
Fault finding
Solid fuel servicing
Flue design and termination
Chimney lining methods
Ventilation requirements
Disposal of waste products
Building regulations section J
Brush and mechanised sweeping methods
Sealing and protection methods

Additionally, master chimney sweeps require training in:
Flue gas analysis
Working at heights
Chimney leakage testing to BSEN 1443
Camera surveying and documenting
A site safety qualification
Gas flues
Oil flues
Biomass servicing methods
2 full years of trading and working as a chimney sweep
Sweeping Practice
The practice of chimney sweeping for the purpose of this Industry Standard shall be deemed to be the passing of an adequately sized strength brush or star, appropriate to the diameter of the chimney and flue used, through the complete length of the chimney. The brush may be put through by either rods or a viper.
A chimney sweep must ensure that they carry a sufficient number of rods or viper to ensure that the brush will pass the length of the chimney or flue completely.
A chimney sweep will ensure that the sweeping brushes in use are in good order and with a full bristle. The passing of worn or damaged brushes is unacceptable.
Chimneys should be swept thoroughly with a brush or cleaning implement that is suitable to remove the products of combustion within the flue, and which can determine blockages and restrictions within the flue.
The vacuum only method of cleaning a chimney is not an acceptable practice under the rules of the Industry Standard.
The immediate floor area and fireplace opening or boiler hatch must be protected using suitable sheeting to keep mess to the absolute minimum before and during the sweeping process.
The sweep must ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to prevent dust entering the premises from a chimney or appliance. Sealing methods such as foam blocks or soot sheets etc must be utilised.
Once the chimney has been swept, the chimney sweep will issue a Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps Certificate to the householder, property owner or management company, stating that the chimney has been swept in accordance with the Industry Standard issued by the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps.
Any defects or damage must be recorded on the certificate or warning notice.
All problems and faults found during sweeping must be made known to the persons with whom the sweeping contract is made, or the property owner.
All such problems and faults relating to the chimney or heating appliance shall be put in writing.
All flues/chimneys should be smoke draw tested as a matter of routine.
All rooms which contain combustion appliances should be checked for adequate ventilation and CO alarms where required.
Chimney testing shall be carried out in accordance with BSEN 1443 where leakage testing is required
Soot and waste shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and will only be transported with the appropriate local authority permissions in the form of a waste carriage licence for said products. Current COSHH statements must be carried in the vehicle.
Get in touch on 07970 934126 or email